
Stuffed animals are something you get when you’re a kid and sometimes you just can’t get rid of the special ones. I have this stuffed animal for pretty much my whole life. I had gotten it from a random car place that we used to visit, I can’t really remember why we went there a lot, they might have been family. But anyways every time we went there I would have them take the animal off the shelf so I could play with it, one day the just decided to give it to me. I was so happy.

The animal was orange with green spikes and still to this day I can’t tell if it is a dinosaur or an alligator, but I still love the thing, and I honestly can’t remember what I called him it was probably something like Mr. spikes. He has been through a lot of rips and sewing, he’s also lost a lot of weight through out the years. Mr. Dinosaur Alligator thing is one of my favorite stuffed animals that I still have.

Image result for orange alligator gif

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